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Multiplier Event
Anamarija Ivković / datum: 20. 10. 2023. 10:41

U našoj školi je u sklopu projekta Plato's EU - programa Erasmus+ održan "Multiplier event" na kojem su sudjelovali učenici i nastavnici srednjih škola naše Županije. Predstavljena je edukacijska platforma i priručnici nastali u projektu. Projektne rezultate i ostale zanimljivosti u projektu su predstavili Bruno Ćurko kao predstavnik Udruge Mala filozofija te Petra Buljat, Lucija Mičić, Martina Perić i Anamarija Ivković kao predstavnice Prirodoslovno-grafičke škole - partnera u ovom projektu.


PLATO’S EU 3rd Transnational Project Meeting – SPLIT
Anamarija Ivković / datum: 20. 11. 2022. 20:16

This week, we held our 3rd Project Meeting between our partners from Teološka fakulteta (Slovenia), Prirodoslovno-graficka skola Zadar (Croatia), Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici (Slovakia), and Mala Filozofija (Croatia) in Split.

After the brief opening statements and welcoming words of the vice-dean of the Faculty, hosts of the meeting held a presentation about the Project results package 2 – Open Educational Resources, representing the structure of workshop. The presented workshops were later tested in a class with students of the Faculty.

The second part of the meeting was reserved for financial issues by MBU. They presented information about Interim report that should be ready by the end of November.

The last part of the meeting was intended for project dissemination, multiplication events, project presentations, plans and ideas for the future, open issues, allocation of tasks and pending issues discussion.

The project was promoted among students of teacher studies, but also informally at a scientific conference – 4th Days of animal STudies (more can be seen here


Plato visits the City of Dragons
Anamarija Ivković / datum: 10. 6. 2022. 20:14

Last week, we held our 2nd Project Meeting between our partners from Teološka fakulteta (Slovenia), Prirodoslovno-graficka skola Zadar (Croatia), Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici (Slovakia), and Mala Filozofija (Croatia) in beautiful city of Ljubljana! 😊
What we talked about, and what we planned out, you will see, read, use and benefit from, soon enough! 🤓


Visual identity of the project
Anamarija Ivković / datum: 24. 1. 2022. 20:10

Students of the School of Natural Sciences and Graphics had the opportunity to create the visual identity of the project. 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students participated. Creative work included information on philosophy, digital tools and digital platforms. The students tried to incorporate all this into the sign that will represent the PLATO’s EU project. You can see some of the works below:


Anamarija Ivković / datum: 17. 1. 2022. 20:08

Duration: 01/11/2021 – 01/11/2023

Philosophical Learning Applied To Online Surroundings in EU - PLATO'S EU project aims to respond to the needs identified by the European Union for a more cohesive and inclusive society, with greater integration of its citizens embracing their active role in democratic life, as well as the urgent need for adjustment to the new and unexpected ways of life caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The intention of the project is to offer a way to respond to the demand of developing open society through the use of innovative practices. Proposed acronym of the project, PLATO’S EU, also serves as a possessive noun, carrying behind it the idea that European Union was built on the philosophical, cultural, and social heritage with the continuous tradition spanning all the way to the Ancient Greece. The idea of the project is to utilize this philosophical legacy and adapt it to contemporary context – to go back to the roots of democracy (and consequently to the roots of the EU) in order to revise the sole basis of deliberative processes. The main idea behind the philosophy is to teach people how to think, and not what to think. Similarly, challenges of digital age can be more steered in the direction of how to use resources properly, and not what resources to use. Thus, the project will combine philosophical heritage with contemporary needs through reciprocal union – using digital resources to teach philosophy, and using philosophy to cope with the challenges of digital era.




  • Offer new learning and teaching methods

  • Reinforce critical thinking and deliberative dialogue in education

  • Develop digital readiness and resilience

  • Enhance digital skills and competences

  • Promote media literacy and tackle disinformation

  • Strengthen professional capacity of teachers and educators

  • Encourage civic engagement and promote active citizenship

  • Mitigate extraordinary circumstances which impact school environment


  • Create open educational platform enhanced with disability friendly components

  • Develop and implement open educational resources for utilizing critical thinking and other philosophical practices in digital environment

  • Develop and implement open educational resources on using digital environment for teaching practical philosophy

  • Create and publish digital open source manual for teachers

  • Create and publish open source textbook for general public – “Philosophical Cookbook”


  • Secondary school teachers

  • Students from 14 – 18 years old

  • Universities, museums, libraries, NGO’s and experts in formal and non-formal education

  • General Public


  • 146.300,00 € (funded by the Erasmus+ K2, Slovakia Agency for mobility)


  • Antonio Kovačević (

  • Bruno Ćurko (



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